Locations in Lithuania
Also see other pages on gen.wooyd.org.
This site displays all locations in Lithuania (homesteads, villages,
towns, cities, railway stations), based on data from 2019. Location
names are listed using modern Lithuanian spelling (with diacritical
marks), in
genitive case.
This is traditional in Lithuanian grammar, where, for example, a village
of Kurkliai would be referred to as "Kurklių kaimas".
You can apply flexible filters by entering a filter string in the text
box below. Filter strings may contain regular characters (which match
themselves) and the following special symbols:
- ^ (caret): when placed at the beginning of the filter string,
specifies that the pattern following it should be matched only at the
beginning of the location name. For example, filter pl will match
both Lieplaukės and Plokščių, while ^pl will only
match Plokščių.
- ? (question mark): matches any individual character. For example,
filter kl?b will match both Klabinių and Klebonų (and
many others).
- * (asterisk): matches any number of characters. For example,
filter ^L*kių will match Labaniškių, Labeikių, etc.
Filtering tips:
- Filter matching is case-insensitive.
- You don't need to worry about diacritical marks, if you do not have
a Lithuanian keyboard. For example, c in the filter pattern will
match both c and č, e will also match ė, etc.
- Keep in mind that the location names are provided in
genitive case,
so it is best to use a prefix-based filter. After you located a candidate
match, you can use maps.lt to search for
it, omitting the genitive case suffix.
- Keep in mind that this is the contemporary location list - the place
you are looking for might no longer exist. In that case
see Finding places in Lithuania
for additional tips.
Location |
Type |
Municipality |
Questions, comments, suggestions? info at gen wooyd org